Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Analyzing Advertisements

Online advertisements can have a lasting effect on the way we think in the context of our society. In the instance of the newly released online video commercial "Dream Crazy", by Nike, the message of the piece is backed by inspirational background music, motivational and interesting imagery and image transitioning, all packed into a two-minute long video dialogue. The narrator revealed at the end to be someone actually present within the ad, speaks to each example of working to the fullest and surpassing your hopes, goals, and dreams. Each example includes someone whose origin or circumstances involves hardship, a form of handicap, or humble beginnings. Thusly, those within our society that could be considered the average are not the main highlight in this, but should still apply the same amount of commitment to their goals and dreams.

  The main message can be found within the examples given and the words behind them. No matter how crazy others may believe your dreams are, embrace such criticism. Use it to push yourself harder than before, and reach your goals past the point of simply meeting them, but surpassing them. Given this, it is not hard to uncover the elements of pathos implemented into this piece, as each example of hard work is not only inspirational but full of commitment and hope.

  For me, if I was looking to buy something from Nike for the purpose of accomplishing my dreams, this ad would be quite appropriate for doing so. In other words, they make it clear that Nike is in full support of all of your goals and accomplishments throughout your life.

   Not only are their online video commercials, but there are also print ads that can convey and provide similarly impactful messages, simply with the aid of words and images. A good example of this is the "Fish Chart 2050", by the West Coast Foundation in Sweden, expressing its concerns for the future of our oceans. The simplicity in the construction of the ad draws the eye to what's important: the simple fact that there is going to be more plastic than fish in the ocean by 2050. Each image provides an example of the billboard they plan to install along public beaches, which includes anything from a water bottle to a rubber duck. This provides the audience with an idea of what we can do to improve our oceans and allow for future generations to enjoy the beaches we know and love today.

  Furthermore, those who are in fact interested in advancing the developments of environmental work will be more drawn to this ad, and thusly be within the target audience. However, those who either don't believe or understand these scientific predictions may be left out of the equation. Implementing logical and factual evidence provided by scientific research allows for the element of logos to clear up any confusion or misconceptions in this instance, however. Overall, those who are interested in supporting a global effort to improve the planet's oceans will be motivated to support the advertised efforts. This, in turn, would definitely motivate someone like me to support such a movement.

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