Saturday, September 22, 2018

Advertising, Happiness and The End of the World

My name is Lucius Vigeant and I will be elaborating upon the topic of advertising for large-scale companies through short online video clips/ads. For me, social media and the internet, in general, has only been a larger part of my life for the past 6 years. Whether it be using a phone for communication and entertainment, or a computer for school work and homework activities, having access to technology has allowed for a large variety of convenient outlets.
     We viewed three different clips in class, all providing a form of an inspirational message that was to promote the individual or universal product or image of the specific brand/company. I learned the importance of the background that surrounds the main focus of attention, especially in videography. This included either the music or the actual background that uncovered the surrounding context. The impact of each video based on its content wasn't much different from what I had seen before in similar commercials. However, that didn't make the greater meaning less significant. Each clip covered the topic of beauty, and how we live in a society that has developed to a certain point at which there is a pressure surrounding your personal look. Each video provided examples of ways men and women alike can use the target product (e.g. dove), to help advance their self-image. Ultimately, the ways in which you deal with such pressure can be handled differently, and that was what changed between each video. 
      The greater take away for me from the ads we viewed are as follows: be the greatest version of yourself whenever and wherever you are, whether you utilize the product advertised or not.

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